
Moldo, a mysterious pocket reality island that travels throughout the history of crudilex appearing on the horizon of ships desperate or lost. To land on the island the ship must sink or wreck and all its treasure and crew onboard become the property of the possessive three elemental gods who call the island home.
To escape the island each explorer must prove their worthy of freedom by traveling the island to each of the temples of Devotion. Fury, Destiny, and Power. Only then will the curse be broken allowing them to sail home.
But to get there they will have to tread the jungles of moldo. Past dangerous monsters, The gathering Brood, the occluded yuan-ti, and other lost explorers trapped on the island from all throughout the history of crudilex.

The Temple of Afi

Devoted to THE EARTH FATHER. elemental god of the land, aFI. This temple's guardian Arewanna will challenge the character's resistance, Drive, and Power. Set in the heart of a volcano the temple pits the characters against the very land itself as arewanna bombards and overgrows the nature around them to push them to the brink.
The Temple of Lagi
Devoted to the Storm Mother, Elemental god of the sky, Lagi. This temple is located on top of the spiraling peeks high on the northern coast of the island. Its temple guardian, Kato will challenge the character's Fury, strength, and courage, fORCING THEM TO BRAVE BREATH TAKING HEIGHTS AND BATTLE FLYING MONSTERS WHILE NAVIGATING BALANCE AND WINDS.

The Temple of Galu

Devoted to the Sea beast, Elemental god of the ocean, GAlu. This temple is nested below the ocean's waves in the rocky choppy surf of the barrier reef at the edge of the bay. Its protector Mara will challenge the explorer's Wisdom, wit, and guile just as much as their mantle. Entering the temple is a challenge itself as it's far from the sandy beach of moldo, and if the characters approach it too foolishly Mara will conjure a storm to force them to act.
Ambient music Moldo
areas of the Island

Lost City:
Populated by the Yuan-ti the lost City is the bastion of Nisi-Mamo, A demi-god who uses its powers to grant anyone who stays in the city anything they desire. But the longer they stay in the city the more like a yuan-ti they become.
Scattered across the island are the ruins of lighthouses with celestial symbols in places that would be useless to voyagers on the sea. Their existence on the island is a mystery to all but the Elemental Gods. Whatever they were used for they are no longer and whoever built them is long gone. But there are many, and each has a large rune-covered quartz at the top.
The Brood:
A collection of monstrous creatures including Forgon, Lizardfolk, and Bullywugs who all answer to a humanoid-Killer whale giant druid named Bazal'ii who commands this gathered group as a merciless tyrant. Each of the Cultures that make up the Brood has been trapped on Moldo for generations and never joined forces until brought together by force. None of their respective leaders wish to belong to the Brood but each forces the other unable to stand up to the collected might of the others.
The Fall of Akamora
This massive temple is little more than a shattered drowned ruin. Coiled around the temple are the bones and scales of a feathered serpent without a head. The fallen Divine Liki'akamora was betrayed by the other elemental Gods and slain by mortals. It is said if its head is ever rejoined to its body it will reawake and seek its vengeance.
Rainforest of the Lost:
A region of the island that dips somewhat below sea level is surrounded by high cliffs and filled with dense rainforest. The air is always damp and the trees drip warm condensation. The rainforest is a living trap, beings who wander into it slowly forget memories of their life, eventually completely forgetting themselves and soon after fading into pieces before vanishing forever. This is called Moldo's Erasure, when it happens all people who had relationships can maintain only fleeting memories of that person as though they were childhood friends who lost touch.
The Colony:
A small walled-in colony built on the far eastern shore of Moldo was constructed by lost explorers on the island convinced they will never escape. Many have turned to build a life for themselves on moldo in spite of the elementals who have cursed them. Among its people are all manner of folks, including members of the Brood who have escaped the reign of Bazal'ii. The colony's people are generally non-combatants and the region they inhabit is the most isolated from the rest of the island, and therefore generally safe.
Verdihyde Library
A Fragment of a celestial library that crashed from the aether into crudilex, landing on moldo and therefore being lost to time. It contains vast unknown scripts and documents from across the universe and is protected and tended by an avatar of the Dawnfather. whose avatar has absorbed all knowledge of the library and meditates there for any to come ask for information. The avatar has sat undisturbed for centuries and is overgrown with vines and brush.
Sleeping Palms
This forest is a space sandy grove of palm trees. When entering the region characters may notice there is absolutely no wildlife of any kingmagically induce a restful sleep to all beings who spend time there. after the first hour in the sleeping palms all creatures gain two levels of exhaustion, after the first 4 hours all creatures fall under the effects of the sleep spell. If a creature takes a short of long rest in the sleeping Plams they do not wake up unless someone spends an action to wake them. If a full party falls asleep they awake in the Lost City as guests of the Yuan-Ti.
Shatterbow Bay
An extremely sharp rocky shallows where the most dangerous of the stones sit below the surface. This region is a unique feature due to the many shipwrecks that sit atop these rocks and so stay hauntingly above the surface despite being completely unable to move, like a natural harbor of ghost ships.
Captain Gold Fang's Cavern
This region is home to the Pross Cat Pirate captain Goldfang. With one eye, A peg leg, and a plump belly Goldfang is the master of a cavern with an armada of ships repaired enough to set sail. The only thing keeping them on the island is the Elemental god's love for their treasure, a love captain Gold Fang shares. Unwilling to let go of the collected fortune he has amassed on Moldo from the countless other wrecks the captain has taken to watching from his Lair for other pirate ships that wreck on the island, Hunting them down and killing their captains, then pressganging their crew into his ever-growing armada of outlaws back at the cavern.
This deepwater, seacliff-surrounded lagoon is almost completely inaccessible by foot. Its sheer rocky cliffs are often battered by powerful surf and it makes it an ideal location for the mermaids who call it home. Including their queen for whom the Lagoon takes its name, The mythically beautiful Queen of mermaids Marakahu​
The Wandering Coast
One of the methods employed by the three Gods of Moldo to entrap new explorers on their island is the wandering coast. Each nightfall when the beaches are empty they magically vanish, replaced with the coastline of a beach somewhere else in the world of crudilex becoming the new coastline for that day in moldo, and bringing anyone unlucky enough to be on the coast to the island, trapping them there.