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The sounds of the streets of meldwin.​

The earthy Highlands and unforgiving, cold winds Prevent much more than the Occasional pine tree from growing. Yet out of the rocks and dirt shoot massive spires reaching to the skys. Steep slops and cliff faces are daunting to sea faring trade but Meldwin has perfect conditions for airship travel. The population of the city is largely human, Pross and Wood-elf but It's coast is the nearest face to many closeby Islands and reflects this with many different varaitys of immigrant. What power isn't provided by the Dorian Acadmey is Generated by the Wakeost water wheel (seen above) And the snow melt from the spires.
​The Emerald market
​Named after the emerald blue Drapes embedded with a alchemical property developed in the market Itself. The drapes perfectly regulating the temperature below them no matter the season. It is considered the forefront on boundary pushing technology, essentially an endless swap meet of races and cultures combining ideas and developing technology, arcana, and Alchemy. ​

​ The Dorian Academy of Invention​
One of the famous Land marks of Meldwin is The Dorian Academy, named after what is popularly believed to be the first engineer Crimley Dorian. Most if not all Engineers can trace there roots and teaching back to Dorian and The first collection of his work became so popular among them that It was decided that an Academy of Invention would be opened In a prominent forward thinking city. At that time Meldwin was only blossoming in Everspring and when The Dorian Academy stuck its flag in the ground that blossoming became a rampant growth.
The academy now hosts those its deligets deem worthy, Its said that it holds many secrets. Some say that the ideals of Dorian were mad, that his study didn't know moral code or ethic. Many belive he Is still alive and is planing something behind the scenes withen the many walls of the Academy of invention. Rumors of its workings are almost as far spread as It's influence.
"The day will come when all things are the invention of the intelligent Humanoid, and our view of the gods will be one of fellowship in place of envy"
~Crimley Dorian, father of the warforged.​​

​ Meldwin Highcast​
The Reagen of Meldwin Is prone to mountainous spires, and when it grew from throp to city the people began to Cultivate them. Slowly developing ways to easily navigate them the airship became very popular among those who could afford them. But as Soughtsoul across the North sea began to create cheaper and easier ways to create them. Displeased with this the privileged elite seeked more prestigious alternatives. Threw this the invention of the Roian Glider was born, Powered and crafted completely by Arcane energy. it very quickly became popular in the skys of Meldwin, Soon Nobles lived exclusively in the highest peeks of the spires. This became known as the high cast. With few, often secret, ways to reach the top outside of airships and Roian gliders.

​ Annitine's Wreck​​
Outside of the patrol range of the city guard but near enough for most to consider it part of the city is the bones of a massive wooden ship slowly returning to the sea. It ropes and pulleys creating a web like structure. It crashed nearing on 100 years ago during the first Colonization attempt on Everspring and has since became a shanty and known underbelly where the only the foolish venture out at night. The wreck spans the entire face of the Cliff and many have reenforced the insides to create roads and ramps all the way to the sea, where a few brave captains will make what can pass for trade in the West coast's troubled waters.

Map of the City

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